If you want to make your special weekend, call us to book a family lunch or to enjoy a tasty dinner with friends.
Our agritourism Sa Scalitta is located at the foot of Monte Sirai, near to the Nuraghe Sirai and the Coal mining museum. Sa Scalitta offers a B&B service as well as the organization of special events like e.g. cocktail hours and taste itineraries.
Our seven rooms (single, double and triple), accurately furnished by local artists and artisans and full comfort, can host single travelers, who want to discover the beauties of the region, as well as families aiming at spending some nice days at the countryside.
Every morning a rich breakfast will wake you gently up.
Our agritourism is located at a few distance to both the wonderful beaches of Sulcis and some very famous archeological areas. The Island of Sant’ Antioco and the boarding area for the Island Carloforte are only few minutes by car away from us, both islands are worth seeing.
Only few step away from our agritourism there is a stairway to the archeological area of Sirai, a way to our identity of Sardinians and “Sulcitanians”.
Il primo grande evento ha luogo la prima settimana di agosto con il Torneo della Balestra; si tratta di una suggestiva rievocazione della coraggiosa difesa dei balestrieri iglesientini contro l’assedio di Alfonso d’Aragona nel XIVº secolo, difesa durata ben otto…
8-12 Aprile 2016 Secondo la tradizione, Antioco nacque attorno al 95 – 96 d.C. in Mauritania, allora annessa all’Impero di Roma. Governatore di questa regione pare fosse lo stesso padre di Antioco, di cui non si conosce il nome, ma…